That man on the other side of the road is a dead ringer for Ronald reagan. 在路那边的那个人酷似罗纳德·里根。
Relations with the United States fell to an all-time low during the eighties when Ronald Reagan was president. 80年代里根任美国总统期间,利比亚和美国的关系降到了历史最低点。
His legacy was carried on by Dwight D. Eisenhower, Franklin Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan& all cheerleaders. 德怀特艾森豪威尔,富兰克林罗斯福和罗纳德里根将他的这一首创延续了下去三人都当过啦啦队长。
President Ronald Reagan dies at age93, the six-day state funeral follows. 美国前总统里根病逝,享年93岁,美国为其进行了六天的国葬仪式。
Ronald Reagan did this in 1986. 罗纳德里根(RONALDREAGAN)在1986年就是这样做的。
Ronald Reagan was her soulmate but lacked her sharp elbows and hostility to deficits. 罗纳德·里根是她的灵魂伴侣,但缺少她那种争强好胜和对赤字的敌意。
He concluded: Presidents Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan both found success while their parties were out of power in Congress – and President Obama can, too. 他总结说:当他们的政党在国会失去权力时总统比尔•克林顿和罗纳德•里根都获得了成功&奥巴马总统也可以。
Thatcher had a particularly close relationship with Ronald Reagan, the former US president. 撒切尔与美国前总统罗纳德•里根(RONALDREAGAN)之间保持了一种极为密切的关系。
Ronald Reagan almost died, and he had a daughter just like me. 里根总统差点被杀死,他和我爸爸一样,有一个像我这个年纪的女儿。
Celebrities as diverse as Bob dylan, Bob hope, and Ronald reagan. 像鲍勃迪伦、鲍勃霍普及罗纳德里根等极不相同的名流。
Bush never wanted a new plane. Ronald Reagan never asked for one either. 布什从来没有想到需要一架新座机,罗纳德-里根也不曾为此而启齿。
Former Presidents Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton and George W.Bush all received treatment for skin cancer or pre-cancerous lesions. 前总统罗纳得里根、比尔克林顿、乔治W布什都曾治疗过皮肤癌或癌前病变。
President Carter and Republican presidential nominee Ronald Reagan faced off in a nationally broadcast, 90-minute debate in cleveland. 年的这一天,卡特总统和共和党总统候选人罗纳德里根在克里夫兰进行了长达90分钟的全国直播的电视辩论。
On the day it opened, Ronald Reagan announced his candidacy for the party's nomination for president. 在会议的第一天,罗纳德里根宣布了他的总统提名候选人身份。
But Ronald Reagan: restored growth and won the cold war. 而罗纳德里根(ronaldreagan):恢复了增长,并赢了冷战。
Technically, Congress and President Ronald Reagan declared it the "national floral emblem." 从技术上讲,国会和总统罗纳德里根宣布它的“国家市花。”
Ronald Reagan huddled with senior advisers at the white house. 罗纳德里根和高级顾问们在白宫开会。
Ronald Reagan ushered in an era that reasserted the marketplace and freedom. 罗纳德·里根重新定义了自由和市场,开创了一个新的纪元。
He lost his campaign for re-election to conservative Republican Ronald Reagan. 在选举中,他输给了保守的共和党人罗纳德?里根,从而没能连任。
After all, Ronald Reagan was the President of the United States, and he still believed this stuff. 毕竟,罗纳德·里根身为美国总统,仍然相信这些启示论。
Following Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher, Keynesian full employment policies were abandoned and markets deregulated. 在罗纳德里根(RONALDREAGAN)和玛格丽特撒切尔(MargaretThatcher)之后,凯恩斯主义者的充分就业政策遭到摒弃,市场监管逐步放宽。
Ronald Reagan was republican, when he was elected the40th president of the United States in1981. 罗纳德里根,共和党人,1981年选举为美国第40任总统。
Former American President Ronald Reagan has returned borne to California after a brain operation. 美国前总统罗纳德-里根在接受一次脑部手术后,已经回到他的家乡&加利福尼亚州。
Four former Presidents joined incumbent President George Bush at the dedication ceremony for the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. 四位前总统与现任总统乔治。布什一起参加了里根总统图书馆的开馆典礼。
His father named him after former American President Ronald reagan. 他的父亲以美国前总统罗纳德。里根的名字为他命名。
Today, I want to talk about the late US president Ronald Reagan. 今天,我想谈谈美国前任总统罗纳德•里根。
To most British voters, Ronald Reagan was a bumbling actor with primitive instincts and dangerous powers. 对大多数英国选民来说,罗纳德里根(ronaldreagan)是一个有着原始本能和危险权力的装模作样的演员。
A month before the Republican Party convention, Ronald Reagan made a costly political mistake. 在共和党大会的前1个月,罗纳德?里根犯了一个重大的政治错误。
1987: Appointed by Ronald Reagan as Federal Reserve chairman. 1987年:被罗纳德里根(RONALDREAGAN)任命为美联储主席。
I think of former US president Ronald Reagan. 我想到了美国前总统罗纳德里根(RONALDREAGAN)。